Artistic Manifesto

In this life we are emotional beings limited to live captured in a body with diverse identities that manifest with emotions, desires, ideas, feelings and actions, conditioned to transcend in the path of light.
“Human beings have wasted much time seeking to have spiritual experiences ... when the reality is that ... “we are a SPIRIT having experiences in a human body.”
Since I was a child, I knew that there is a soul within us, I was educated with firm foundations in the belief that we are eternal in the spirit, and that our body is only a shell that will soon cease to live to be released and move to eternity, in these years of my encounter with my “I”, begins my true artistic training connecting my inner self to the visual arts.
The great importance of spirituality: We must feel, from the deepest part of our being: love, peace, harmony, charity, joy, freedom, hope and devotion; I believe that these feelings and acts are the proof of the existence of the soul, the direct communication with the “eternal Being” that inhabits our physical body, this Being makes me see the importance of introspection; by continuously performing it I learned that there is only one deep feeling in the human being: “love” and a complex emotion “fear”, from these two we derive all the important decisions and actions in our lives.
Love leads us to the direct connection to our father God, are the purest moments of joy that we can experience in this world, but unfortunately, the “fear” is the one that often takes over our being and generates pride, greed, envy, anguish and hatred, unleashing the darkest acts of our existence such as violence, abuse, revenge, sadness, evil among others.
It is important to know that it is human to carry more than one of these acts, and it is of great importance to recognize our mistakes, because if it were not so, we could not know the enlightenment that helps us to carry this heavy burden, this enlightenment and divine connection is called: “conscience”. After listening to that warning voice that dictates the “truth”, comes repentance, which is a faithful companion of forgiveness, and therefore, makes the spirit grow through love.
The soul that is alone, carrying a heavy body, sad because of the abandonment of ourselves, needy and thirsty, suffers lamenting among its nostalgia, but; all is not lost, suddenly love arrives like drops of water to a dying man in the desert; at that moment the heart, not as an organ but as the place where feelings reside, is illuminated thanks to that divine food of love and leads us to the path of light, recognizing through spirituality that even being in a physical being, they are three in one element: soul, body and mind, «la perfecta creación divina».
My artistic expression
I have tried to leave aside the material issues of the world, entering to give a positive and direct message, seeking to always refer to the purest state of inner reflection, relying on the best guide: the conscience, which drives me to show my feelings, ideas and emotions, striving to express myself with the simple graphic image of easy dialogue simple and honest forms.
Pictorially I rely on stylization, with primitive expression, a very graphic concept; I use the visual field as a free plane, the colors are so vivid, basic and strong that they transmit that energy, something as important as God has to appear in the work but it would be impossible for me to capture it, that is why I only use a symbol to represent his presence, This divinity is structured by lines of free stroke rotating among themselves in the universe, with three points in its periphery that represent the trinity, this symbol is almost always in the upper part of the composition, announcing that from the sky sends blessings and energy to the Souls. It is a dynamic composition, beings with nostalgic and melancholic eyes.
At the beginning of the characters in its structure, where the spine crosses the spine that represents the experiences of life, a huge head is supported in it in proportion to the body, it is for the reflective thoughts, full of pressure, which causes them to float in the abyss of inner space, in the stroke of the souls predominates the line in black, which gives a static and mystical. Time stops, it is a very balancing moment, the selected color gives the contrast to the figure achieving harmony, dynamism and vibration. After living the most sensitive moment of the work, comes the reflection of the same, the light, the peace and the slow rhythm to continue painting until concluding with small lines of detail.
The most important experience in the creation of the work is the illumination of the heart. Using the intense red color, circle with a dot in the center, a link is marked that expresses the moment where these souls are linked in an end of hope and faith between them and the presence of God.
It is very common that I capture only one soul in reflection, but I also make pairs of two soul mates, finding each other, and sometimes, only together, representing those souls that, in union can find the illumination of their heart; there are also groups of souls that represent the family, humanity, together, supporting each other in their lives. The lines, the colors, the shapes, generate in the composition, freedom and passion for the expression, without leaving aside the message that I intend to give to the world... “Follow the light that illuminates your heart.”
After trying to find an artistic current where I could shelter my work, I did not find the necessary elements to fit properly in the countless contemporary artistic trends, that is why, on August 8, 2015 I decided to activate a movement that I called it Introspectivism, using as support the following scheme.
The art of introspectivism
Composition of the word Introspectivism: INTROSPECTIVE: Insight Perception which has as basis the reflective ability, which the mind has to refer or be aware in an immediate manner of their own states.
Introspective: Inner perception that has as its foundation the reflective capacity that the mind possesses to refer to or be immediately aware of its own states. By reflecting on your inner self and considering your state of mind and consciousness. The Suffix - ISMO: synonymous with “theory or doctrine” is attached. To contemplate more what is within ourselves and not the external plane.
Introspectivist artistic movement that refers to art, with a common philosophy or style, which consists of contemplating and expressing, more what is within ourselves, and not the external plane, reflecting art with an analysis of the feeling, rooted from our soul manifesting the characteristics of our own being.
The Introspectivism is raised in a reflection embodied, giving the viewer a message about what the artist feels and sees within himself, the existence of the Soul, the current position of his person, the connection with Love and position before humanity; always seeking to communicate, encourage introspective practice, and value our inner self as the most important thing, before any material thing.
I openly invite all artists to join the activity of creating art with this philosophy, giving contributions that will form this artistic movement, with the passing of time, with a more generic sense in the ideology and the conjunction of various points in common embodied in the material through the technique, which constitutes a formal language of Introspectivism.
Alfredo Sosa